Contact: Denise Bauwens

800-293-9795 x 1361


Hamilton, NJ (April 14, 2017) Consolidated Services Group Inc. (CSG), a technology-driven, clinically-based medical claims management provider, today introduced a PIP Appeals Solution to help its New Jersey auto insurance clients comply with N.J.A.C. 11:3-4.7B, the new PIP appeals process established by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance (NJDOBI).


On April 17, 2017, NJDOBI will implement a new, uniform regulation of internal appeals. The new rule (N.J.A.C. 11:3-4.7B) standardizes insurers’ internal appeals processes for PIP claims by requiring that appeals be initiated through a designated form posted to the Department’s website. The objective of this regulation is to simplify the appeals process and eliminate many costly disputes and arbitration proceedings.


On April 17, 2017, NJDOBI will implement a new, uniform regulation of internal appeals. The new rule (N.J.A.C. 11:3-4.7B) standardizes insurers’ internal appeals processes for PIP claims by requiring that appeals be initiated through a designated form posted to the Department’s website. The objective of this regulation is to simplify the appeals process and eliminate many costly disputes and arbitration proceedings.


Over the past several months, CSG proactively engaged with clients and industry colleagues to inform and educate them about the nuances of the new rule and to prepare them for the April 17 deadline. Additionally, CSG worked with its subject matter experts to revise its internal and external workflows and processes to comply with the new rule and timeframes. On March 1, 2017, CSG received its Decision Point Review Plan Approval, which reflects the Appeal language updates.


According to Craig Goldstein, executive vice president and chief operating officer of CSG Inc., CSG’s well thought out solution includes the streamlining and tracking of all pre- and post-appeals and associated documentation, and will provide consistent, quality responses for each scenario. This technology-enabled solution, leverages the company’s medlogix medical claims management platform.


“One of our core strengths at CSG is the ability to anticipate regulatory changes, educate our clients about the steps they need to take, and develop technology and services to help them stay compliant,” Goldstein said. “CSG will continue to refine this solution to incorporate best practices in managing PIP appeals in this new environment. Our goal is to provide an integrated medlogix solution that minimizes the human oversight required to produce a consistent, high-quality result.”


The new PIP appeals solution is currently available for CSG clients in preparation for the April 17 implementation of the new rule.


CSG has provided managed care, utilization review and bill review services for 35 years. The company offers national medical bill review and claims management services to the auto insurance industry, along with its directly-contracted regional PPO, CHN, and a national network of PPO affiliates. CHN PPO is a leading preferred provider organization serving the northeastern United States with a premier network of highly-credentialed health care providers.


About Consolidated Services Group (CSG)


Consolidated Services Group (CSG) is a technology-driven, clinically-based medical claims management provider specializing in managed care, utilization review and bill review services. CSG offers a complete, integrated solution, including seamless collaboration through our proprietary medlogix technology; recommendations from highly qualified medical professionals; and access to a nationwide network of premier health care providers through select PPO affiliates. CSG’s powerful mix of medical expertise, proven processes and innovative technology delivers a more efficient, disciplined insurance claims process. The result is reduced severity, lower expenses and increased productivity for the auto insurance and workers’ compensation insurance carriers; third party administrators (TPAs); and government entities we serve. Visit to learn more.