In a recent interview, HR Vice President Sarah Slate and Senior HR Manager Sean Beckerman discussed the work environment Medlogix fosters for its employees and its impact on customers.

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How would you describe the company culture at Medlogix?

Sarah: We look at each individual we bring into the company from a customer service perspective because we are a service-based company. Understanding how people interact internally and, most importantly, externally with our customers is very important. Our culture is engaging, progressive, and has a customer-first approach.

We are fortunate enough to have a large portion of our employee base who have been with the company for quite some time, even decades in some cases. And then, we have a newer portion of the company workforce bringing a lot of external experience with them. That can easily be infused and married with the historical knowledge that those more tenured individuals have.

Sarah: We focus on employee performance, health and wellness, and growth and development. We have really strong training programs in place. We promote from within before going to external candidates. Career progression is important to us because we know that that's what people value.

Sean: Medlogix is truly a great place to work and be a part of a team. Part of our onboarding experience is employee engagement from the moment they walk through the door. We supply them with the proper tools to succeed. We work with their managers to ensure employees can live up to the potential we see in them during our selection process.

What makes Medlogix a great place to work?

How do you convey the company's commitment to being customer-centric?

Sarah: We hire people who present themselves during the recruiting process with a customer service orientation. We emphasize the importance of customer service because that's an industry differentiator for Medlogix. Our customer-first focus is evident in our growth trajectory, and it is important to our expansion efforts.

Sean: We have multiple facets to our employee reward systems, including peer-nominated and manager-nominated recognition programs. It builds that teamwork atmosphere, that cohesiveness to celebrate those that help one another excel. We have both team and individual rewards that boost morale and productivity. We have progressive plans for employees' performance, where they are rewarded if they meet certain benchmarks. It gives them an added incentive to accomplish their goals.

Why is the employee reward system important to help the company reach its goals?

What role does HR play in the company's national expansion?

Sarah: Due to remote work, we have the luxury now of recruiting outside of the bricks and mortars of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Minnesota, and Michigan. Our talent pool has expanded tremendously. We do have some location-specific roles, but we can now look nationwide for talent.

From an employee perspective, we have reached a point where onboarding is very cohesive regardless of where the employee is based. Whether someone's in Texas, Ohio, or elsewhere, they will feel part of the Medlogix team.

Sean: "Expect Exceptional" - it's what we feel. It's who we are. It's our core values. Innovation is what Medlogix is known for throughout its history. We're always looking to modify, streamline, and improve as a company.

Sarah: "Expect Exceptional" means that we should treat each other exceptionally. We should serve our clients exceptionally. We should expect exceptional from Medlogix in how we cultivate our employees and how we encourage our employees. And, our employees should expect exceptional from Medlogix in return.

What does "Expect Exceptional" mean to you personally?